tootle |ˈtoōtl|verb1 [ intrans. ] casually make a series of sounds on a horn, trumpet, or similar instrument : he tootled on the horn.• [ trans. ] play (an instrument) or make (a sound or tune) in such a way : the video games tootled their tunes.2 [ intrans. ] informal go or travel in a leisurely way : they were tootling along the coast.noun [usu. in sing. ]1 an act or sound of casual playing on an instrument such as a horn or trumpet.2 informal a leisurely journey.ORIGIN early 19th cent.: frequentative of toot .
toodle-oo |ˌtoōdl ˈoō|exclamation informal datedgoodbye : we'll see you later, toodle-oo!ORIGIN early 20th cent.: perhaps an alteration ofFrench à tout à l'heure ‘see you soon.’
LOL, didn't we already discuss? ;)
ReplyDeleteNot in depth. :P You're right, not much to say.